Monday, December 9, 2019


 This weekend has been a very busy one.  It seems being MLS missionaries we are really busy or slow.  Never a happy medium.  Saturday while taking tickets at the Luau, I went and picked a fragrant white ginger flower to put in my hair.  About five minutes later I got this terrible burning sensation and we determined later I had been stung by a fire ant!  He took several jabs at me and I was in a goodly amount of pain.  I rushed into the bathroom and pulled down the top of my muumuu and couldn't see anything, but washed good and dressed.  I only got relief when I pressed hard on it.  I told Ramon if I was home I'd put ice on it.  My friend Ubah talked to me and then ran and got me an zip lock bag with ice that I stuffed down my neck.  It offered relief and the pain lasted about an hour.  I had talked to Leslie who was also there and she thought it was a fire ant as the PCC had been invaded by them.  That's what I get for stealing a flower!

On Sunday we were so busy.  I ended up cooking for the Break the Fast for seniors and then teaching the Temple Prep class and making cookies to take to that.  We baked our dish in the church oven while Sacrament was on and then left to go to Break the fast.  I sat next to a Sister and her husband who work in the garden center and she verified that I had been bit by a fire ant.  I guess you rarely see them as the pain kick in a few minutes after biting you.  She said they are invested with them and can't bring any plants into the PCC anymore until they get rid of them and that takes permission from the State.  They wear protective coverings and she said she had been bitten quite a lot.  Poor soul.
My friend Alan and his wife Dawnne, She's in red and he is behind her

After Break the Fast with the couples we headed over the the Visitor's Center for our Fireside that we were having at 6:00.  We changed into our VC clothing and visited with people a while.  The musical concert went very well and these girls have got to be the most talented in the world.  Everyone was in tears when it was over.  We heard remarks from our beloved Mission President and his wife.  We are so fortunate to have them
President and Sister Walker

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