Saturday, March 30, 2019

Wednesday - Friday

Wednesday we had our weekly dinner at the Geronio's house.  It was great to have Nick back with us after his trip to Norway on business.
Then Thursday we had a ward missionary meeting at our place.  I fixed soup and salad but the Elders had a meeting and had to take their food to go.  We walked down to the beach after to visit with Melanie and see her new truck, I should have taken a picture of it.  She's happy with it.

Friday we had Zone conference all day and had it at our Kuhuku building.  It was enlightening but was hard sitting for 7 hours.  Then we went into Laie and picked up our NEW car!  We originally thought we were getting a new older car but this one was brand new...55 miles on it.  It is so nice.  It is a Nissen Sentra and silver.  On Monday we have to go into Honolulu and get Elder Walker to take off the car's monitoring device that they use on all the young missionarie's cars, this records the speed and any erratic driving habits.  Us olders don''t need this on our cars, and it is really annoying if you make a tiny mistake a loud voice comes yelling out at you.  So far no voice for me in the 12 hours I've had the car.

Then after that we ran home and grabbed our things for the YSA barbecue.  It was really fun and enjoyable but I and others made way too much food.  Thursday I had cooked up 30 lbs of potatoes for salad and made it up in two huge pans of potato salad.  I cooked up 3 dozen eggs for it too.  Anyway, not even half was eaten.  Another Senior Sister made two huge things of macaroni salad and it was hardly touched.  Anyway, the take away from all this is kids just like burgers, hotdogs, chips and drinks.  We had a lot of fancy desserts from Costco too that didn't get eaten.  Oh well, we learned, I think.  It was a fun night and I took a few pictures when I remembered.
Our cooks, President Fullmer, Ray, JD Gibbons, Christian Fullmer

Playing a table game

Basket ball and the whatever they are called balls.

Shot of leftover food

Too much eating, food coma!

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