Wednesday, September 12, 2018


The morning was spent making batches of cinnamon rolls to take to various people.  We got lucky and got the code to the gate for  Turtle Bay, no easy thing, but now life will be so much easier.  Half our Branch lives at Turtle Bay, in the condos and it is a hassle to have to call on the phone whomever we are trying to see and then they have to let us in. This way we can go visit and then keep visiting if people aren't home.  Took rolls over to President Hippolite's home, they have 8 children, including the new baby that was born when we got here.  I hadn't met his wife yet so wanted to meet her.  Wonderful young mother with her hands full!

Interesting thing happened.  Our power went out about 1:30 and didn't come on all afternoon.  Yet since we have a gas oven I was able to keep on baking.  It did make it hard to shower and cleanup, since the bathroom doesn't have a window and is pretty dark.  Candle light just doesn't quite do it!
We gave away a few more plates of cinnamon rolls and then took a dozen or so over to the Geronio's house where we go to dinner every Wednesday.  Nick was on the side of the house bar-be-cuing and Ramon went first and turned around and came back to the car saying they were having an event.  I told him I still wanted to give them the cinnamon rolls and walked back there and saw this guy who looked like Nick, I thought maybe he was a brother. Turned out it was a clean shaven (he shaved his beard) Nick and I didn't recognize him.  He said he was cooking for us!  I went back and got Ramon and we laughed at Nick.   He put on a spread for us tonight.  Hamburgers, three salads, (I brought one) and then spaghetti!  Plus the cinnamon rolls.

Nicki said she isn't quite ready for baptism, but she adores the church, people and says she's never seen one as good as ours.  I told her if she had questions to just call me.  I think she is so close, but she is overwhelmed with working 14 hour days and can hardly make it to meetings, although she came to all three last Sunday and sat with me.  Nikaia has really warmed up to me, she dragged me to the front yard to a giant swing to show me all her tricks.  She is 6 and a tiny, blond, curly headed sprite!  Doesn't speak to many people, too shy.  (And her sister is named SHY and she isn't shy, she wasn't there tonight).  Today Nikaia had some of the gooey stuff you can blow through a straw to make a bubble.  I told her I used to do those.  We made a dog and she made me show her what I could do.  I used to make the bubbles and put live flowers inside them....Kyton said the birds fly free every day but have gotten mean and bite.  Darn.  Lilika loved the cinnamon rolls, she loves to cook/bake, is 13 and loves to arrange the food pretty.  Love these kids.

Came home to power back on!

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